
Hi, my name is Julia. I'm 18 years old. My zodiac sign is aries and I'm a college student. I would describe myself as friendly, adventurous, out-going, determined and fun-loving. I love animals, working with children and traveling with my friends and family. My favorite color is pink and I love the autumn season.


I captured this picture during my Secondary five Europe Trip. It was taken in Capri, Italy in the month of April. I wanted to share this picture because it was my first time visiting Italy; the country my family is from. This trip is my favorite trip thus far. I got to travel Europe for ten days with my best friends by my side. I was fascinated by the culture of the country and the beauty of it. I captured this photo using the techniques I learnt in my photography class. I love the color scheme of the houses and how each of them look different in their very own way.


I captured this photo in Italy during the trip I mentioned earlier. I wanted to share this image because this day was one of the best experiences of my life. On this particular day, my friends and I took a boat ride to visit the "Grotta" which are big rocks and caves by the ocean. While on the boat ride, I was given the opportunity to navigate the boat. I witnessed some of the most breathtaking views during this experience. The particular shade of the water was one I had never seen before; it was a mixture of blue and teal.


I captured this photo in the old village of Mont-Tremblant. It was captured this summer in the month of July. My mother, sister and I decided to take a roadtrip for the weekend. Our weekend consisted of shopping, eating out, visiting the old village and being around nature. I decided to share this picture because I really like the way it was taken. One of the techniques I learnt in photography class was leading line; and this one includes that. I'm very close to my mom and sister and any weekend or outing spent with them is always fun.


Family is really important to me. My family consists of my mother, my sister and my father. My sister is two years older than me and we have a very close relationship. We do everything together and hardly argue. My mother and I also have a strong relationship; she's always there for me through thick and thin, and always knows how to make me smile when I need it the most. My mom, sister and I call ourselves the "Three Musketeers." I would describe my dad as a very hardworking man. He's a jokster and always manages to make me laugh.


I got a pet dog in 2015. We bought her from a breader. My dog is a pug and her name is Biscotti. In case you didn't know, "Biscotti" means cookie in Italian. She's a beige pug and loves eating more than anything else. Nonetheless, she's very energenic (for a pug) and loves going for daily walks. She's now five years old, making her thirty-five in dog years. She loves getting belly rubs and doesn't do the tricks we taught her unless there's food involved. I can't imagine my life without her.

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